Abdul Azis Kahar Muzakkar: Could Only Dutch law, But Islamic Law

Abdul Azis Kahar Muzakkar: Could Only Dutch law, But Islamic Law
This serene-looking man has its own charisma, especially among members of the Committee on Enforcement of Islamic Sharia. He was the son of Muzakkar Kahar, one of the enforcement of Islamic law in South Sulawesi in the past. Despite having the same purpose as the father, which enforce Islamic Sharia, but step Palopo gentleman born, December 15 is not the same as his father. If the father's use of violence known as the rebellion in South Sulawesi Muzakkar Kahar, Aziz chose to fight for the constitutional measures of the Special Autonomy enforcement of Islamic law through KPSI. Chairman of the Standing Committee of South Sulawesi Tanfidziyah KPSI is already three times to lead this group. But this time, the father of six sons are more settled in Jakarta since believed to be one representative of the Regional Representatives Council of South Sulawesi. Here are excerpts of an interview with Abdul Aziz Kahar Muzakkar.

Congress has three times the Muslims held KPSI. Actually, what is the purpose and target implementation congress?

Each congress that I, II and III had a different urgency. First Congress, it's time for the declaration, an agreement to make the enforcement of Islamic Sharia KPPSI. Which I was us making KPSI institutional structures in all districts, and completed it for a year. Congress II, we consolidation program. But all of congress to II, we have exams. In Congress there was a bomb, and Agus Dwikarna was arrested, then bomb Makassar. So all of congress to II, we run out of time and energy taking care of the issue of terrorism. That's why we feel the need for Congress to III with the aim of recovery and re-consolidation program. In this case one district in South Sulawesi, which has spawned four nuanced regulations of Islamic law, then we make the pilot project. We deliberately made the congress III in situ so that in addition to explaining the products in Bulukumba regulations, as well as participants from affluent areas can be seen directly.

After the congress ended, what recommendations?
When the congress, there are three commissions: the organization committee, recommendations and programs. So really not only recommendations but also the program. On the recommendation that there are actual things. For example about the election, we merokemendasikan that KPSI actively involved in the election. KPSI not be a spectator of the procession of the elections, because it is a very strategic to the political interests of KPSI.

One recommendation called on the government and parliament to give Islamic law in South Sulawesi?

KPSI target since it was founded. So it will continue to be a political struggle since the beginning of KPSI because we declare it as a political target KPSI. Because we see that the perfection of the implementation of Islamic law in the Republic of Indonesia should be a special autonomy. We also see that the special autonomy is something that is possible in the 1945 Constitution.

Is that desire can be done about?

We are aware that it is not easy but not impossible. Constitution there is a clear corridor and clear. There are already examples of Aceh, Yogyakarta, Papua. So it is clear constitutional basis. The issue then his politics. KPSI is where the political struggle to achieve it. But we also do not rely entirely the implementation of Islamic law to the special autonomy. That is, there is an opportunity as a process that can actually be heading over there we do, through district-based local autonomy. So we see that this process can be undertaken while preparing a special autonomy. So we can implement Islamic law on regional autonomy. As has happened in the Bulukumba?

Yes. We hope like it. I myself launched within the next year, all districts in South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi was able to follow in the footsteps Bulukumba by presenting three or four regional regulations on the Islamic Shari'a.

Do you think the condition of the people of South Sulawesi is ready to run the Islamic Sharia?

I am very optimistic. I strongly believe that Muslims in South Sulawesi is ready to implement the Islamic Sharia. And is supported by the results of polls conducted in 2002 South Sulawesi province where the results are 91.11 percent of the people of South Sulawesi agree with the implementation of Islamic law. So it has been supported by empirical data. But before that I do not agree when someone says Muslims are not ready to implement Islamic law. Basically our society's paternalistic society, which cenederung see elite only. So I tend to see that it is not ready for political elites. If our society, let alone the Islamic law, only Dutch law is very far from the values ​​of philosophy, world view, norms adopted by a majority of the people of Indonesia at the time, when the Dutch forced the Dutch law, positive law, was received well by the public, especially if Islamic law is indeed a religion of law, and Islamic values.

So the problem is with the political elite?

I am also not prejudiced against them ugly. I still need to see the approach pattern. I do not see our political elite is also totally rejected. I also see there is a weakness of KPSI, especially in areas that have not been optimal in the approaching political elite. But besides that there is resistance from those who profoundly ignorant of Islam, or perhaps already too long stigmatized about Islamic law. It was also there.But the positive I want to say that KPSI still need to approach the power elites, and it melts slowly increasing in recent times this.


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