This is the specialty of charity

This is the specialty of charity
"Allah confer to people who say well, alms, fasting, and prayer at a time when most humans sleep." (HR.At-Tirmidhi).

One of the worship of Allah SWT is recommended charity, either when his when his field and narrow. Because charity is good charity as al-Quran surah al-A'raf alms deeds paragraph 16 special double-folded again at the will of God, which is then coupled again to get the various virtues charity.

Let us read the hadith the Prophet: "Verily, Allah is All Giving, He loved the generous and noble spirit, he hates bad manners." (Narrated by al-Bayhaqi).

Hadith above we also learned lesson that Islam hates stingy and miserly nature and properties like begging. But instead of a believer that a lot of giving and generous. As word of the Prophet Muhammad: "The hand over is better than hands down." (Narrated by Bukhari).

We are no longer denied the privilege of worship charity. A number of Muslim scholars and clerics said that there are hundreds of proposition which asserts that Allah SWT give double the reward and honor of the charity.

Citing a book entitled Al Inaafah Fimaa Ja'a Phys Sadaqah Dhiyaafah Wad, there is the primacy of charity among others:

First, the charity can forgive sins. This statement is reinforced by the argument hadith the Messenger of Allah, "Alms can forgive sins as water to extinguish the fire." (Tirmidhi, classed as saheeh al-Albani in Saheeh At-Tirmidhi, 614).

Forgiveness of sins is of course accompanied by heartfelt repentance, and do not re-committing misconduct and deliberately insulted as immoral, such as corruption, usury eating, stealing, cheating, or taking an orphan's property.

Secondly, alms giving blessings to treasure we have. This is in accordance with the hadith that the Prophet says, "Property will not be reduced with charity. And a servant of the merciful God will surely add to her dignity. "(Narrated by Muslim).

Third, God multiplies the reward of the charity. This is as Allah promises in the Quran. "Those who give alms, both men and women, and lend to Allah a good loan, will undoubtedly were doubled (reward) to them, and for them the reward that much." (Qur'an: al-Hadid: 18).

Fourth, there is the door of heaven that can only be entered by people who give alms. People gave up two possessions in the way of Allah, then he will be called by one of the gates of heaven.

"O servant of God, come here to get to the enjoyment". If he comes from among those who like to establish the prayer, he will be called from the door of the prayer, which come from the jihadists, then it will be called from the door of jihad, if it comes from the charity group that likes to be called from the door for alms. "(HR Bukhari).

And lastly, people who are often able to free charity from the punishment of the grave. Messenger of Allah said, "Alms will extinguish the fire ordeal in the graves." (HR Thabrani)

By: Dr. H. M. Harry Mulya Zein, Translated by Hukum Zone


Sarana Belajar Hukum Islam dan Hukum Positif

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