Drs KH Toto Tasmara: Haji Mabrur Shown in the behavior

Drs KH Toto Tasmara: Haji Mabrur Shown in the behavior
About the ins and outs of the pilgrimage, ask Drs KH Toto Tasmara. At a minimum, for several years, it is a reference to a number of travel agency hajj to give lectures about the rituals of Hajj pilgrims to them. In addition to never perform the pilgrimage several times, among others, a mentor hajj, he also read books or literature or philosophy that discusses the meaning of worship is the fifth pillar of Islam.

For the propagators of the birth of Ciamis, West Java, 10 November 1948, the kemabruran pilgrimage is not only associated with the condition, harmonious, circumcision, or prohibition during a person's procession through the rituals of Hajj in the Holy Land. Kemabruran pilgrimage, according to one of the founders of Youth Agency Contact Masjid Indonesia (BKRMI), more related to a person's behavior after returning from the hajj. For example, if there are changes in behavior or self-Pak Haji's mother Hajjah home from the Holy Land. Is it more honest, more trustworthy, worship rituals increased, better social awareness, and the more others.

''If there is no change in the self is concerned, it is difficult to say they had won Mabrur hajj,''he said. Here's an excerpt conversation with KH Toto Republika Tasmara around the meaning of pilgrimage Mabrur:

Haji Mabrur is everyone's dream to carry it out. What is a pilgrimage Mabrur?
Mabrur words derived from Arabic, namely al-birr, which means good or virtuous.Prophet himself said, there's no reward for obtaining proper Mabrur Hajj except Paradise. As narrated by Abu Hurairah, the Prophet said,''Worship worship umrah umrah until the next is to be put away sin kifarat between the two. As for the pilgrimage that Mabrur no reward other than paradise.''

Well, people who go to Hajj and do it with sincerity without any particular purpose other than for God, be addicted to doing good and wholesome. He knew and realized his Hajj is not just personal responsibility, but also realized that with the steal the title of 'Hajj' or 'Hajjah', he has a social responsibility towards the environment. Responsibility that he showed with concrete deeds everyday that benefit many people.

To find someone that Mabrur hajj, what its characteristics?
The key, there is a change in behavior. The change in question is a positive change.First, in him will always grow and the birth of consciousness and the spirit to do good, both in the family environment and surrounding communities. Even for this nation, if he has a mandate as representatives of the people for example. Second, he always felt from day to day behavior is still none the less good, and realize that his actions followed or observed someone else. In short, he will serve as an example.

With this awareness, Mabrur pilgrimage will be a precursor of any change in their communities. Will always be born spirit within her live it must be meaningful and useful to others. But, if after Hajj no change at all, even worse than before the pilgrimage, it seems to me, how unfortunate and futile if he knew his Hajj is more than a trip to the country people. No wonder that pilgrimage is also accomplished, corruption remains the road.

As far as you observe, all this time whether there is a positive influence on society with the return of the pilgrims?
This is very alarming. Most of our pilgrims are still showing the attitude or behavior as before they left. We know, from year to year, the number of pilgrims we tend to continue to increase. But, perhaps could be counted on the fingers, more than 200 thousand pilgrims us every year, how does that really showed positive changes in behavior that indicates that he hajj Mabrur?

Just a small example, a large mosque and so many, but the congregation prayer-yes it was, too. They are pilgrims even very rarely meet the mosque as a means of worship and interact with others. Not only for the mosque's prayer, but also to exchange ideas, discussion with others, that of ideas and ideas that arise will be able to bear it with good things to create change in society. Another example, even many times people go to Hajj, but after Hajj corruption also continue. In fact, not infrequently he even became part of the problems facing the nation. That this is a lot.

Why do you think all that could happen?
There are some basic things. First, about the perception of the pilgrimage itself.During this pilgrimage is considered as worship ritual. Though each of worship in Islam is also the social dimension. Therefore, we see bondongnya flock every year 200 thousand more Indonesian pilgrims to the Holy Land, but it is more considered than the fulfillment of orders.

For example not complete if you do not fulfill the fifth pillar of Islam. It's not wrong indeed. But the problem then, right pilgrimage itself is not understood and internalized as a form of social practice. It is more understood as a spiritual practice-individual, so that no social impact. Though each practice in Islam's values ​​are always pushing the growth of motivation to do better. People still consider the formality of each command. Already performing prayers or Hajj, and so on, and considered going into heaven. That's not necessarily. Go to heaven if it is followed by concrete deeds in the community.

Second, the problem of education is also a cause in itself. Religious education, we are still mere verbal ritual. During this time, what diceramahkan propagators and so forth, are much more verbal ritual, without giving sufficient spirit to the realization of concrete in its environment. For example, religious education has not directed that work is worship, doing good is worship, worship also spearheaded the movement changes and so forth.

That existed during that yes this is a service of prayer, fasting, and so forth. There are also even the sad, command your children will be given a prayer for promised money after prayers. It's a lot, and really is not productive. Finally orientation to worship money, not to achieve a change in him.

Therefore, it seems to me, there must be a paradigm shift to think that our religious education-not just verbal rituals. There should be a re-elaboration of the understanding and appreciation of religious values. What I mean, it's time religious education is emphasized and focused on the orientation of social practice, so worship, whatever they are called, can be a good means of producing change.

Third, about the culture we are still feudal. Haji us it's incredible passion for departure. Sometimes even if not called Hajj's degree is not good, risky and so on.No wonder also if there is no initiative in the movement of these changes.

During this time many who perform the pilgrimage several times, whereas religion requires only once in a lifetime. What do you think causes it?
First, of course, because the love of God. In him there is a great longing for God. It's not wrong. Kaaba that was always longing to those who gave birth had come to him, even to those who have never come to him even once. Secondly, they feel satisfied and not complete the pilgrimage before. But the problem's not that simple. As I stressed earlier, there's nothing wrong Hajj many times. It's just not a major pilgrimage, if capable, it's once in a lifetime.

There is a more important issue, that when I've to go for Hajj, it's the people around you know whose names are still many in need. Many of the poor and needy, even to help them more than just the main Hajj many times. Helping their reward, not less magnitude of pilgrimage again. Better of his money for the benefit of the public who actually benefits more than just the individual with the pilgrimage again. It should be campaigned. Because the fact is, many times Hajj also do not influence its social impact.

What should be done so that pilgrims can be achieved by any Mabrur those who went to the House?
Besides that I alluded to earlier, it must be lived what was the meaning of the pilgrimage series. We berihram it not only for the Holy Land, after Hajj we are required remain berihram. That is simple in life, do not spit treasure, and should be tolerance with others. Also, do not be silent and should continue to move like Tawaf.Circumambulate it's moving on. So, to make life more meaningful and useful, it must also continue to move to a better. He also must do their best and try as disimbulkan in sa'i.

Furthermore, the pilgrimage is really not possible to do service learning, because he has done wukuf at Arafat. Arafat is it meant to know the essence of self and others, who then after knowing that he must throw (jamarat), which means lontarlah devil in you so that Satan will disappear and your social and spiritual practice will be better.Well its peak, sembelihlah ego with sacrifice.

It's all there in the understanding of our society. If all of these exist, then we've given the pilgrimage, not just personal-spiritual, but more so is the social-spiritual.Unfortunately, again, as far as I know, all this does not exist. So the things mentioned above should be a movement along the preachers in particular and other circles and campaigned every hajj rituals or in various other occasions.


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