KH Didin Hafidhuddin, Islamic Economic Philosophy Containing 'Barokah'

KH Didin Hafidhuddin, Islamic Economic Philosophy Containing 'Barokah'
Islamic economic system is now beginning to many applied, how do you comment?

It's true and it is a good sign. Because, Islam as a doctrine is a guide of life because it is intrinsically very comprehensive doctrine. Starting from the problems of psychological, sociological, juridical, to the economical. Of course, all values ​​were very flexible in the sense contextual. From all these aspects, economical aspects were still untapped optimally.

What is the advantage of Islamic economic system than others?
A lot. But, you should just tell me during the first. At the time of the Prophet there are some basic principles developed in the Islamic economic system. First, the basic principles at the macro level. For example, should not make transactions that are ghurur (fraud, Red). For example, sellers who put wheat at the top of the best wheat while wheat ugly placed at the bottom. All it intended to deceive the buyer. This is clearly an element of deception. Such patterns are not allowed in Islam.

The second principle that is not allowed to conduct business activities which contains stockpiled or ihtikar intent. Moreover, the accumulation was intended to obtain the highest price and then sold. Especially hoard the most basic commodities like basic food needs. In Islam, such measures also criticized for harming so many people.
The third principle that since the time of the Prophet upheld the ban on business activities that are usury. In this case, there are two categories of riba ie usury and riba al-Fadli an-Nasa'i. Usury is usury Fadli generated through a system of exchange of similar goods with different scales. For example, if someone wants to swap the dates of one area with dates from other areas, the palm should be sold first and bought dates from other areas.

While usury is Nasai business activities conducted through practices of interest.Both the flowers through the conventional banking system as well as a retail bank or a bank loan sharks titil alias. For example, a person lending money during the repayment agreement are required to add interest. More real again, if someone lends money must be returned at Rp 100,000 Rp 150,000 next month.

Then where business ethics in the Islamic system?
Very basic and fundamental. The basic principle in the Islamic economy is the willingness for mutual benefit. In Islam, business activities should be conducted on the basis of mutual benefit, not harm. In any case, for example dealing with people who are very common on certain goods, the seller remains obligated to sell at a price standard, instead of using the principle of 'moral hazard'.

Can you explain briefly about the application of Islamic economic system during the Apostles?
Among the forms of economic activity are mutually beneficial berasaskan had been going on during the Prophet which was reflected in the practice of Mudaraba. The purpose of the doctrine mudaraba is the emergence of two people who want to cooperate (mutually planting stock, Red) to a particular business activity, but agreed to appoint another person as executor or the executive. Patterns of cooperation such as this must uphold the principle of mutual benefit.

While other patterns of cooperation is the practice of Murabahah. Forms of business practice as it is done by two people with different provisions. One of them only have capital money to invest, while others only with the skills to run a business that has been agreed. This way is still lawful in Islam, as long embraced the principle of mutual benefit. And there are many economic aspects of Islam that has exemplified the Apostle.

Can you explain, why until now the majority of Muslims are not fully respond to the system?
Many factors that cause. Among others, yet memasyarakatnya system because less popular with the capitalistic system. In addition, the occurrence of a partial understanding of Islam. During this time, the perception of Muslims towards the teachings of Islam has not been made in total.

In fact, the Prophet actually has always been to give a fairly complete example of the fundamental principles of Muslim life. Especially with regard to the economy of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad has set an example and an excellent role model, just that its application is still not optimal. There is one thing to realize together that Islamic economics is part and parcel of the teachings of Islam itself. Islamic economics does not stand alone or are outside the teachings of Islam which has been exemplified by the Prophet.

From here, it's really understanding 'must berislam total' is adhered to. Thus, the notion that Islam is totally involved all aspects of life as the life of the Prophet himself was also a precedent of Islamic law. Such an understanding is a logical consequence of the entry of a person in Islam. However, on several occasions I saw that the implementation of Islamic teachings that are still very partial. That is, certain sectors are still often follow the rules of the game of 'others', such as Western capitalism system. Why wear mechanisms of others, within Islam itself if it is available to complete?

Can be exemplified?
For example, most real is the banking system. Why should we adopt the conventional banking system, if within Islam itself actually has a better system and more exist. The proof, when hit by financial crisis, Islamic banking system was more exists than the conventional banking system. Moreover, the principle of the capitalist economy that is known of the theory of 'removing the smallest capital to achieve profit maximization'. In this case, they did not question whether the way in which it violates ethical or not, because the important thing is profit maximization. In Islam, the concept was still to be revised in ways that are lawful and do not use manipulative ways.

Ie it does not contain similar provisions to deceive element also applies to other economic mechanisms. Starting from the matter of leasing (ijara, Red), lending and borrowing (Dain, Red). Everything should be based on the agreement of both parties so as not to cause a negative impact, in the form of remorse pascatransaksi. In the Islamic banking system, deal with bad credit also should not treat the debtor's own wishes. Therefore, in the presence of Islamic banks package recognized charity, infaq, and Sadaqah. These three components, among others, are also intended to assist the debtor actually collapse because of debt.

What is the evidence that the Islamic system is relatively more superior than others?
Do not be so black and white. But there is one thing I noted, which is often the question arises, why Indonesia is predominantly Muslim nation is actually too late utilize the principles of Islamic economy? There are several reasons, among others due to the development of Islamic economic system started around 1990's.Nevertheless, I am very optimistic that the system was able to thrive because it is supported by various factors, such as the Banking Law No. 10/1998.

In addition, the observation in the field also showed positive symptoms. Moreover, the Islamic economic system was able to show him pretty good. For example, a successful Takaful Insurance ranked 6th of 64 existing insurance. From where I see the need for 'jihad' in the field of Islamic economy to that principle actually leading among Muslims themselves. Do not let the Islamic principle that just be a guest in her own home. What is now needed is an intensive socialization.


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