Dr. Dien Syamsuddin, Not Allow Any person Interpreting the Qur’an

Dr. Dien Syamsuddin, Not Allow Any person Interpreting the Qur’an
How MUI addressing the rampant various religious streams lately?

Those problems will we leave to the Review Commission MUI (Indonesia Ulemas Council) to be discussed. Until now we have not done so, because MUI is still in the process of consolidation once it has formed a new management. Indeed, we feel the presence of such symptoms. I guess this is not apart of the two fundamental things. First, it is a consequence of living in the era of globalization and information age. Second, it is also a consequence of modern life in which so many people who experience spiritual or spiritual aridity. In the midst of peace that the search process, often a person driven to seek answers, and in the process that often they are stuck with streams of new or different understanding with the main stream community.Typically, new flow exists a certain tendency, for example, are more inclined to approaches such as philosophy or theology, the influence of other religions. Lately there are those who interpret the verses of the Qur'an based on his own version.

According to you, allow each person to interpret the Qur’an?
The scholars have agreed that not just anyone beleh interpret the Qur’an. Who may interpret it, yes only those who have adequate knowledge as a tool for interpretation.It should not be arbitrarily own. I think a lot of requirements. Therefore, we recommend that the matter of interpreting the Qur'an that, yes left to experts only.

Have you read the books Anand Krishna?
Chance yet. But clearly there is one thing that must be realized together that should have been the duty of all religious leaders to provide an explanation in order not to create confusion so that the Muslim people are not stuck with ideologies considered misleading. Moreover, contrary to the creed. Apart from that, in fact Islam itself is also open to the emergence of dissent. But, the difference is usually only on the questions furu'iyah not on faith issues. Because, if the question of faith was not allowed to contradict again.


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