Prof Dr Muhammad Quraish Shihab: Marry Consider Religion

Prof Dr Muhammad Quraish Shihab: Marry Consider Religion
The explanation is soothing. That Prof Dr M Quraish Shihab. Renowned expert commentary is trying not to patronize, in fact, they were sentenced raising concern.With a wealth of knowledge he has, he always gives an alternative bid. If there is a strong opinion, he simply said,'' I tend to prefer A or B ulama opinion''. However, do not mean he loses firmness. Facing problems helas halal or haram, father of five children, will firmly declare immediately. He was, in fact, would not budge.

So, how his views on issues such khilafiyah interfaith marriage?

The man who memorized the Koran is called for when looking at the context of a verse was revealed. '' In the verse that allows and prohibits interfaith marriages, we must be smart to read the background of the verse down. If not, we will be mired in debate over trivial issues that only the energy to spend it,'' explained Quraish.

In addition to active writing and speaking, a number of important positions he had also served, among others, Minister of Religious Affairs, Ambassador to Egypt, and now Rector of IAIN Jakarta State Islamic University (UIN). In the midst of busy busy, doctorate from the University of Al-Azhar University of Egypt is still found time to answer questions from Reuters readers steadily. Now, the man born Rappang, South Sulawesi, February 16, 1946 is being completed Tafsir Al Misbah as much as 30 chapters which now has published 13 volumes. In the near future also immediately published two books, Journey Stock Options and 40 Hadith Qudsi.Here are excerpts of an interview with him about the marriage of different religions.

Statement of the Prophet Muhammad says there are three criteria for a wedding. Ie select materials, beauty, and religion, then choose his religion. Can you explain this?

Tradition depicts her wedding urge anyone who is a treasure, there is also a boost for her beauty. If it is said that the advocates of religion, then he would say, "fazfar bizaati diniha" (choose his religion). But if it was not uttered by advocates of religion, then he would say, just choose a property or beauty. I can say that almost all the breeding places of different religions is not a factor and the value of religion in the high-level primary consideration. Islam is so clear, put religious considerations at the highest levels, more than any other factor.

You asserted earlier, Islam does not permit interfaith marriages, when the consideration of religion. So what about the verses of the Koran that allows Muslim men to marry non-Muslim women?

The text must be viewed in the context of religion at the time. Conditions at the time of the dominant society is a Muslim man can tolerate his wife carry out his religious guidance that Jews or Christians. But non-Muslim man, because he is dominant, it could be memaksanakan his wife to get out of his religion.


Partly because non-Muslims do not believe that the prophet Muhammad SAW.However, a Muslim even though he was dominant, the U.S. continues to believe that Jesus is a prophet, the prophet Moses, and he believes that Islam should tolerate everyone running their respective religions. So Islam justifies Muslim (man) to marry non-Muslim (female). Currently, if a more dominant Muslimahnya, male non-Muslim minority, could not the man in his religious considerations to justify running a religious Muslim who embraced it?

According to the religion of the man that was not justified. That was the first.Conversely, if the non-Muslim women and Muslim brothers, but current conditions suggest that women may be more dominant, then it is forbidden to syar'i (in Islamic law).

The reason?

Yes, she (the woman) could affect her husband, can affect kids, and will be a strong determinant in their lives.

What's the difference if it's the dominant male, yet he (the man) would also be affected, as did the women when they are the majority?

Here's what I said earlier, its consideration is the consideration of religion. Yeah anyway? I want to go farther. That nearly all married people of different religions and cultures (of any religion that was followed) when her children were born and adults experiencing tremendous confusion. That child would be educated and guided in any religion, all in a dilemma. Do-do, well do not have any religion.

At a position like this, they have a kind of split personality, keterbelahan soul. This is very dangerous for the future of these children. Therefore, if people want to marry it makes the value of religion as the first and main consideration, then that person would not marry. Christians are not going to be married to a Muslim, otherwise the Muslims will not marry non-Muslims.

There is another issue. Some have argued, interfaith marriages to maintain and preserve the pluralist religious attitudes and inklusiv. Happen to our society is plural.How do you see?

Yes, we are plural. But do not then we sacrifice our beliefs, do not sacrifice children so it does not have a handle. We often mistakenly interpret or inklusiv pluralism and the like it. After all the other religions will also retain his position, would not want to get carried away just like that. So the plural and inklusiv is no limit.

There is not at the time of Prophet Muhammad and the friend's interfaith marriages?

There is, quite a lot too. But that was done in order to preach, and that Muslim men at the time, which is a non-Muslim women. So there was not a woman is Muslim.Because of this understanding in the context of the clergy during the verses of the Koran they understand that Muslim women should not marry non-Muslim. So it is quite clear.

Trouble understanding the book of Ahl-ul-(believers in the sky), there is rarely a problem in terms of interfaith marriages. Actually, the concept of Ahl-ul-book like what the heck and there are special restrictions?

There are two opinions of scholars. There is a narrow definition of Ahl-ul-book.Some are expanding. The one hand, the scholars argue that expanding, Ahl-ul-book all those who embraced Judaism and Christianity, both before and after the arrival of Islam. Thus, they argued interfaith marriage, means may be. The second, a narrow view of scholars, who refer to paragraph 5 of Al-Maidah. On this basis, the Ahl-ul-book in question is before the arrival of Islam.

What about now?

When it's the Jews and the Christians after Muslim so much, in fact, Christians are a majority in the world.

So the restriction bolehnya before Islam?

Right! Mankind before the coming of Islam are allowed to marry. So the offspring after Islam came, not be married. Well this is a narrow view. If my opinion, all religions, both before and after Islam came, anytime, anywhere, should be married.The problem is, some books of Judaism and Christianity that has been mixed by human hands.

What is your comment?

At the time of the Prophet Muhammad had already changed. Who says that only now are mixed with human hands, human interest itself. Since the time of the Prophet Muhammad, Christians had already recognized the Trinity. Indeed, some have argued, for example, companions of the Prophet SAW, namely Ibn 'Umar, who claimed that the Koran explicitly forbids marriage with musyrikat (female polytheist).I do not know, idolatry is more apparent from the embrace of the Trinity. Of the present condition is far different from the time of Prophet SAW. The Qur'an itself right down also conditioned by the culture of the time.

Then what about interfaith marriages today?

Well yah. Actually it's interfaith marriages are given as one of the streets. For example, fear of falling into the abyss of adultery, and so forth, so never mind an interfaith marriage, yes it is okay for them this. But if you want the principle of religious teachings, or even kafaah principle (equality of culture, knowledge, social attitudes, attitudes, outlook on life) though, this is important, then interfaith marriages are not allowed. So, it seems to me, religious people should be based on considerations of religion, any religion. Because religion that will sustain a marriage.


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