Fasting And Lust Control

Fasting And Lust Control
Term fasting or shaum taken from the Arabic language bermaknaimsak or refrain from something. Fasting is a form of human devotion to God Almighty which is based on human self-awareness will be in accordance with the will of God the man who decorated "attitude and the nature of God". While Ramadan is also derived from the Arabic with the meaning of intense heat or burning. The term of Ramadan in the fasting of Ramadan, it is understood the meaning of burning or melting of sin, so that by implication means that after the fasting of Ramadan with faith and earnest his sins will be erased.

As one of the pillars of Islam, Ramadan fasting should not be abandoned by the Muslims who mukallaf. But in Islam there is a broad-tolerance as evidence for adherents of Islam. So in some circumstances, a person can leave the Muslims or the Muslim fast of Ramadan, as people who are ill or those unable to fast while traveling or for pregnant women or nursing their children, if they are fasting feared would endanger her condition, then all the belong to this class are allowed to leave the fast with the provisions need to replace it on another day. Furthermore for those elderly who are no longer able to fast also allowed not to fast with the terms of ransom by giving food to the poor faqir.

It should be a concern, in the month of Ramadan is full of blessing than the recommended duty of fasting, many other religious ritual series of activities that are encouraged to do and get a double reward. for example, multiply the reading al-Qur'an and dhikr, tarawih prayer in congregation, bersadaqoh, i'tikaf in the mosque and pay zakat fitrah as purification.

Fasting and Self-Control 

Based on the information already recorded in the Qur'an that the ultimate goal of fasting is to make the righteous man, according to the word of God mentioned in the Qur'an: "O ye who believe, fasting obligatory upon you as required above thosethose before you so that you may become pious "[QS. 2: 183]. Takwa as theological value can be understood with the seriousness of self to obey and submit to Allah SWT. But the value of piety in fasting will be meaningful when man consciously essential to make fast to the primacy of self-control towards a more purposeful life, so that people achieve intimacy and closeness with the Creator of the highest degree of humanity before God.

When fasting, Muslims are required to control himself against fa'ali instincts (eating, drinking and having sex). Eating, drinking or having sex is a primary need when able to be controlled so that other needs will be easily controlled. In addition, those who are fasting should avoid themselves from actions that reduce the value of fasting as well maintained mouth of the words that are not necessary, waking her from seeing the forbidden, spared his ears from hearing the useless, and all members of the body is also trying not to do things forbidden and excessive capacity needs him.Even when humans are capable of in hatinyapun fasting is not required to recall something from memory other than Allah. It was recommended as a moment to train the human soul to his personal, his way of thinking and his behavior got the license eligibility before God Almighty that the activity goes according to His will.

Islam is not justified in an attempt to eliminate fa'ali human instinct, but Islam teaches its followers to always control it. One way to control it is by fasting. Fa'ali instinct when without crashing beyond the control will cause harm to the man himself, such as eating or drinking that exceeds the physical needs, then it will cause a person lethargic and decrease its activity. So also with excessive sex will cause a person experiences cravings which cause hiperseks or other sexual deviations. Can be said fasting is a conscious effort to establish a private man who is dominated by the divine element in controlling instincts fa'alinya.

Because fasting seeks to educate and teach people to control themselves, although food and drinks served before him, food and beverages is lawful, and healthy, but not right for a specified time (and breaking dawn) he should not eat it. So also in the opposite sex who are legally married, according to his religious beliefs, he should not gauli when he was fasting. He should be able to control syahwatnya it, so in control of the dominance of the bestiality and filled with the divine attributes.

Ramadan Fasting Wisdom
Thus man was educated in the month of Ramadan fasting is to feed appetites, especially that which is dominated by the instinct fa'alinya. Fasting can be a positive influence in human self-control efforts by aligning themselves all forms of activities in accordance with the 'attitude and the nature of God' to be a creature of God is perfect. When fasting westernized with a field with good soil, all Muslims are given the opportunity to farm, for Muslims who actively farming in that field then later he will get a harvest of many Muslims and vice versa for the negligent and he only received the results of his field of grass wild. Finally, we hope that the month of Ramadan which is full of grace can be used to invoke the forgiveness of sins and errors caused by the values ​​of the animal in man.


Sarana Belajar Hukum Islam dan Hukum Positif

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