Drs H Amidhan: Time for the People Back to the Quran and Hadits

Drs H Amidhan: Time for the People Back to the Quran and Hadits
Aceh and Ambon case heats up, but the voice of Islam Islamic organizations or political parties are less audible. Whether this can be used as an indication ukhuwah Islamiyah people started to wear off?
I think the bleeding obvious to say no. But the mass media not only expose the activities of all Islamic organizations to the plight of Muslims in Aceh and Ambon. As performed MUI Centre, has repeatedly provided assistance to Tual, Ambon, in the form of medicines, food, gloves, milk, and others. The same thing has been done to Aceh. In the near future, the MUI will re-send help to Tual, Buton, Aceh and Sambas.All this as the activities of the action of the MUI.

What about other Islamic organizations?
MUI Forum held a meeting with Muslim brotherhood. In the meeting we discussed the potential for use as a support race back in the mosques that have concern for the cases of Muslims who were hit, as in Aceh and Ambon. Hence, in some mosques every Friday starting by praying or istighotsah. But Islam Islamic organizations or political party apparently too late to give support to the suffering of Muslims in Aceh and Ambon.

Is this because they are too busy taking care of politics?
There's something they're too busy playing politics. And there is now too late to speak their truth. But that does not mean they were not concerned about the suffering of Muslims there. Muhammadiyah, NU equal MUI is a moral movement.They also give the same attention. And MUI will ever will continue to fight and capture every pulse of the Muslims. Lack of attention to Islam Islamic organizations and political parties can be used the other (non-Muslim).

Instead, they routinely provide assistance. How is this?
I already knew that. But we did go awry. The period of assistance is not accepted. It is not possible. The important thing there is no other intention of granting the aid.Especially if there are 'engineered' out of the hands of strangers. After all, outsiders would not be happy if the nation is becoming a strong nation.

With the rise of Islamic political party if you do not see us getting loose ukhuwah Islamiyah?
With that condition is actually quite alarming. So, last year we held a quiz (Congress of Muslims). Intention to discuss the issue. It is conceivable to Islamic organizations 'traditional' four political parties represented. While the Islamic 'modern' more than five political parties represented Islam. This obviously makes the Muslims divided.We used fragmented due to khilafiyah.

But now perpecahannya because the interests of individuals and the group itself.What is not cause for concern! Fortunately we are somewhat helped by the stembus accoord. Whereas in the upcoming SU Muslims must unite. Muslims were in any political party. Therefore, Muslims as individuals to choose leaders who are comitted untouched. It is necessary to emphasize that Muslims are not constantly under suspicion. Just look at since the Orla, New Order, and recently Islam has always suspected.

In the near future whether Muslims can re-confirm ukhuwah Islamiyahnya?
Can. It is not difficult, provided there is awareness of every individual. Although it's easy to get divorced, while the united difficult, but we do not pessimistic. Difficult to come together because often there are other people who tried confronting. But then again, we do not need pessimism. Especially in a forum Forum MUI Muslim brotherhood, represented at least 45 Islamic organizations. God willing, it can be implemented ukhuwah.

How do I?
We have to be met from the heart. Time for Muslims to re-implement the verses of Allah and Hadith. Muslims should form a unity. We can also take advantage of an existing forum. We socialize function returns the mosque. So far, we often highlighted the mosque should not be used politically. This meeting is not to discuss politics, but for the sake of uniting the interests of the people.

Is MUI ready pioneered the meeting?
MUI is ready only. But for the problem Ambon, not only must involve Muslims, but also must have the attention of other councils. We could have no meaning if only Muslims who provide assistance. But all parties must come together to help solve this problem, including other councils and government.

In your opinion how to solve the case of Aceh?
See the victims of Muslims who continue to fall in Aceh is very alarming. MUI suggestions to resolve the case in Aceh still reflect on the results of MUI Rakernas some time ago. We keep asking the government to approach religious, welfare, law, new security measures that are repressive. Muslims in Aceh was so longed for dignity is raised, and the presence of justice against the perpetrators of violence.Muslims become political targets. Starting from the case of Ambon, Aceh, the issue of witches and other cases related to politics.

Why Muslims are always the target?
Since 1945 the Muslims are determined to establish genuine democracy. But why the suspicion against Muslims still remain large. Islam stamped with the command of jihad, or fundamental. If the constant suspicion as it would be difficult. If we look at cases in Ambon, obviously no longer a matter of culture, but interfaith. It's very alarming. But unfortunately the political elite are also covered this issue. If they should realize that the problem in Ambon had been obliged to give an interfaith serious attention. Because it is a religious conflict at a time, so it could drag on.Therefore there needs to be awareness of all parties to resolve this issue.


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