Zaim Saidi: Out of State Procedures Halal Simpler

Zaim Saidi: Out of State Procedures Halal Simpler
Islam is very health conscious. For this reason, in terms of consumption of food and drink, Islam is very strict. Evident from the many verses of the Koran which Questioning this problem. In essence, food and beverages to Muslims, must meet kosher requirements. Ironically, prosedu Halal label in the country, as a monopoly. In fact when referring to the original purpose of kosher labeling is to inform the public about lawful products. This can be done by anyone as long as it meets the criteria.

Unfortunately, as said Zaim Saidi of the Public Interest Research and Advocacy Center (PIRAC), in Indonesia this goal has been mislabeled and motivated by specific interests. Graduated from Bogor Agricultural University is indeed known critical in highlighting environmental issues. Master of Australia had a chance to join in the Republika specifically address environmental issues. After separation from YLKI, Zaim is now active in PIRAC.

Halal certification and label a controversy in Indonesia. But when compared to other countries, whether there are similarities in terms of procedures and mechanisms with here?
Clearly there are fundamental differences when we compared the labeling procedure of halal products in Indonesia with other countries. To my knowledge, which is also popular for kosher labeling is Malaysia, Singapore, and countries with Muslim minorities such as the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. While the mechanism prevailing in these countries together with the labeling kosyer (permissible) to Jews.

The goal which is to provide information to consumers about a product that is kosher and not. Therefore, anyone, individuals or institutions, can provide information and fatwas halal. Of course then there are standards and rules. As in the U.S. and Australia, is very simple if we want to find halal food. Look at a few restaurants and halal certification sticker from the local clergy at the front door. So the mechanism is, anyone as long as he could meet the specified authority, then it could issue a statement halal.

Why be so simple?
Yes, since the purpose of labeling itself is lawful for public service, not for anything else. And it is actually very simple. Traditionally when we slaughter a chicken, read bismillah, it is considered halal. But then the industry occurred sophistikasi. There is a gap between the products to consumers through the process of processing to be done tracking system. Technically there are two things, the certification and labeling.That's related certification exam. Precisely irregularities that occurred in Indonesia is at this point, the monopolization of both the examination and granting of certification by the MUI.

So in other countries that the procedure is not complicated. Essentially it's just market driven. People already know that there are Muslim communities that require halal products. Then there are those who comply, for example, certain stores have a guaranteed source of supply of halal. Warranties and certificate from the local Islamic Center or the clergy. It is taped in front of his shop. No labeling, if any at only halal meat in paper packaging products.

How the function and role of government in this halal labeling in these countries?
Functions of government in this regulation are limited. First, establish standardization, this you know who called halal and haram so-so. But in the field, halal fatwa should anyone spend. Second, is the accreditation of the institutions that determine who can do the halal certification. So the government should not be the way to set how to slaughter, etc.. In Malaysia is almost similar to that in Indonesia.Because the majority Muslim population, so the government is far enough to intervene.

There is one body authorized to issue halal label. However, the real authority on halal label into the affairs of each state. Been around the late 80s, about kosher labeling is released, anyone can make a label. But the problem arises akhirya, monopoly etc.. The government was forced to intervene to set, but without any charge to want testing this product. In short, the agency's inspectors are not established to make money but to serve those who want to get a kosher label.There's even a special budget was prepared.

Given the considerable attention from countries around the world, would then also be developed in the direction of halal products trade between countries?
It was something to do, and in the context of international trade that emerges is mutual recognation system. This means that if a product is labeled halal from the country of origin, can be directly entered without having to be tested again in the destination country. Because if that happens it will cause the barrier (barrier) trade.

Actually, what the basic principles of halal labeling it?
This is something unusual. Consumers need information and products which may not be eaten according to religious teachings. It's also a universal, not just a Muslim issue. For about halal and haram is also true among the Jewish converts. For example, they might know who referred kosyer food (halal) and raffah (haram).

So also the Hindus and Buddhists. Well, then sticking problem is how the instruments can meet the need for this information. Then developed a form label.Indonesia in this regard later adopted by the Food Act 1996. There is mentioned that each manufacturer claiming their products halal food should be to account.

The problem is how to account for it. Then came 1999, the PP halal label. There is a way to prove that it's halal to be tested. This is what is causing the problem.Government departments cq religion (Religious Affairs) to make regulations which deviate from the basic rules I had. Decision No. 518-519 Menag immediately appoint LPOM MUI as the only institutions that provide halal certification.

What happens next?
This policy of our critics. Government resigns. But the pullback was not to annul the Decree before, but with more advanced blindly into the PP to increase his status.Substance does not change even more visible presence there of interest, especially those associated with the acceptance nonpajak. So that there arose in the commercialization of this form of excise and automatic overload consumers. In my opinion, regardless of the controversy, all of these systems is fundamentally wrong when viewed in terms of public policy.

Do you mean?
Public policy is a government intervention in public affairs. This intervention is justified in terms of the problematic, for example in a product called the post-experience goods, there are risks in it that will be caught later. People taking medications or herbal but its impact will be felt at a later date. Now that this state needs to intervene in the registration form, both before and after product release.This is called post marketing surveillence.

Halal labeling should be parallel with it. Misguided here is a regulated product that is not problematic that the halal products. It is precisely the problem is it haram products. If there is an obligation should include a warning label or illicit yes on this product. Public policy and unlawful entry in this product. He was not a risk in terms of health, but there is another theory which we call the social cost, something that raises social costs.

For example, cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. The product of this problem should be calculated approximately how the impact of social costs. That is then charged to excise drawn to finance the social costs. Sick person coughs due to smoking is a health cost. That way, the aim is not to increase state revenues, but had to pay the social costs.

So how efforts can be done to fix it?
If we analogize, the government suddenly issued a regulation, 'O people of Indonesia, if you want to have the Friday prayer at Istiqlal mosque and the imam only the MUI so.' This is it not bener. We can certainly Friday prayers in mosques and preachers wherever it could be anyone, as long as eligible. Against policies that would come out later, all parties openly disagree. The point of this public policy will not work when faced with authoritarian ways. That we as Muslims have a problem, it was clear.


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